
s01e02 — Screams of the Rez-Boa Dogs

Эйр Гир — s01e02 — Screams of the Rez-Boa Dogs

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Длительность: 22 мин.
Даты выхода: 18.04.200618.04.2006 03:00
Всего просмотров: 5 39090.53%
s01e01 - Air Gear
s01e02 - Screams of the Rez-Boa Dogs
s01e03 - Enter the Night Kings
s01e04 - A Battle for Kazu, Onigiri, and My Pride
s01e05 - My Body, My Heart is Being Set Aflame
s01e06 - It's a Rematch! I'll Get My Emblem Back!
s01e07 - What's Wrong with Rejection? Onigiri, We're Comrades!
s01e08 - Defeat Orihara-sensei's Supllementary Exam: Let's Rediscover Ton-chan-sensei's Past
s01e09 - Clash! Buffalo vs. Great White Shark

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