Сильнейший в истории ученик Кеньчи — s01e37 — Dangerous Temptation! Let's eat the hot pot together

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Длительность: 25 мин.
Даты выхода: 30.06.200730.06.2007 03:00
Всего просмотров: 2 22182.26%
s01e33 - Take him down Kenichi. Let your fist do the talking!
s01e35 - No Burdens! The Time of Conclusion Arrives.
s01e34 - Don't Lose! The Last words of a Loved One.
s01e36 - Miu vs. Renka! The Triangle that Calls up a Storm
s01e37 - Dangerous Temptation! Let's eat the hot pot together
s01e38 - Human bullet game of lovely kitten women!
s01e39 - Shigure's Personal Teachings
s01e40 - The Promised Land! Everything Starts from Here
s01e41 - Seikouken's Terror! The Dragon's Dance Descends!

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