
Urban Nightmares

Сериал Urban Nightmares

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Даты выхода: 30.10.2017 — 05.11.2017
Страна: Франция
Жанры: Триллер
Канал: Blackpills
Смотрящих: 1 866 405
Общая длительность: 1 час 10 минут
Длительность серии: 10 мин.
Количество серий: 7
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Through a series of previously-unseen home videos, police evidence, and interviews, Urban Nightmares explores the circumstances surrounding the brutal murder of two police officers. But what were the motivations driving the lone-suspect in the case, John Kyle? How has he evaded police capture for 8 years? And most importantly, could there be occult forces at play in this mystery?

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