
No Continue Kid

Сериал No Continue Kid

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Даты выхода: 04.10.2013 — 20.12.2013
Страна: Япония
Жанры: Комедия, Драма
Канал: TV Tokyo
Смотрящих: 1 866 669
Общая длительность: 5 часов
Длительность серии: 25 мин.
Количество серий: 12
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45-year-old Reiji Watanabe visits his parents' home. His parents used to run an arcade. While there, Reiji fondly yearns for his friends Kido and Takano. Back in 1983, their family's arcade "Game Center Watanabe" was always full of customers, including neighborhood kids and salarymen. Reiji's friend Kido would come over to their arcade every day. Kido would spend most of his allowance on the games there. Reiji wasn't interested in the video games at the time, but after he saw a pretty girl named Takano playing, he also began to play. Reiji and Kido would then compete all the time. From 1983, Reiji, Kido and Takano enjoyed playing games and experienced good and bad times together.

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