
Bros on Foot

Сериал Bros on Foot

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Даты выхода: 20.01.2023 — 03.03.2023
Страна: Южная Корея
Канал: TVING
Смотрящих: 12 866 547
Общая длительность: 9 часов 20 минут
Длительность серии: 70 мин.
Количество серий: 8
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In this brand-new series, four men go on a trip with a mission. Actors Ha Jung Woo, Ju Ji Hoon, MINHO, and Yeo Jin Goo come together to join forces. Every time they complete a mission, they secure a Dream Ticket where people who applied for the Instagram challenge will get a chance for a trip. With the motto, «I'll suffer, so you can travel, » the four men have fun, but also with a sense of benevolent responsibility. In this generous new frontier of variety show, the viewers will be entertained by awesome sceneries, witty banter, and the amazing chemistry between the actors. Stay tuned for a weekly departure across the world.

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