
Born to Be Y

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Даты выхода: 06.03.2024 — ...
Страна: Таиланд
Жанры: Драма, Романтика
Канал: GMM25
Смотрящих: 22 865 931
Общая длительность: 43 минуты
Длительность серии: 43 мин.
Количество серий: 1
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14 contestants audition to compete in Born To Be Y, a program that searches for the best couple of the year to work together on a giant project.

"When different people, different places, different feelings must come and live together. Various stories emerge and a lot happened. It can't be stopped!" Inside the house, there are 4 seniors in the entertainment industry as coaches and mentors, and there are 4 local "Teen Idol" Trainees from the label who are there to help each other.

Stories, dreams, friendship, love, commitment and many more feelings. So it happened in "Born To Be Y The Series", a semi-reality series. that will make you feel every feeling with them.

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Episode 1