
s02e01 — Look, the Baron`s Reckless Remark / There are a Lot of Problems in This Class So Please Be Aware of That

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Длительность: 22 мин.
Даты выхода: 05.01.200805.01.2008 03:30
Всего просмотров: 1 79848.79%
s01e09 - Evening Primroses on Mt. Fuji Are a Mistake / I Was Thinking of Proving It This New Year
s01e10 - A Cultured Man Was Waiting under the Rashomon While Avoiding the Rain / The Namayatsuhashi Must Be Burned
s01e11 - Hey, You Can't Do That! Isn't There an Original?
s01e12 - Really, That's Annoying!
s02e01 - Look, the Baron`s Reckless Remark / There are a Lot of Problems in This Class So Please Be Aware of That
s02e02 - Forelocks Yet To Be Opened / Adornment At Tiffany`s / Rouse Up, O Old Men of the Old Age
s02e03 - Seventeen Years Old Don`t You Want To Grab Your Wrinkles? / Duty and Soldiers / Don`t Say it so Casually! Melos Stood and Retorted Furiously
s02e04 - An Artist By the Roadside / I Have Mostly Read Shameful Books / The Inconspicuous Summer
s02e05 - Team Play / I Always Called That Person A Leftover / The Other Side of an Act of Kindness

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